COBRA5329 Description
COBRA5329COBRA Module with SVGA Graphics Controller
The MCF532x (DragonFire) is a 32-bit microprocessor family based on the established ColdFire architecture using a high-performance V3 core with 240 MHz clock developed for man-machine interface applications that use graphics, such as measuring devices, operation terminals, etc. All members of the family contain a 32 kByte internal SRAM, an SVGA LCD controller (up to 800 x 600), USB Host and USB on-the-go, an SDRAM controller for two memory banks, a 16-channel DMA controller, three UARTs, a queued SPI interface as well as other peripheral elements.
The COBRA5329 module is a versatile single board computer based on the MCF5329 ColdFire microprocessor. It has all the necessary features to build a „stand alone“ system and can be integrated into a customer‘s application. The COBRA5329 has been developed as a joint project of EBV Elektronik, National Semiconductor, Freescale, senTec Elektronik and emlix.
The uClinux Board Support Package (BSP) is a standard delivery component of the COBRA5329 starter kit. The BSP comprises a current Linux toolchain (compiler, etc.) tailored to the DragonFire, and a core with root file system optimised to the board. With the support of the integrated SVGA LCD controller and a range of sample programs for the Nano-X graphical user interface, developers can start programming their own graphical applications within a relatively short time. The Board Support Package includes a coLinux-based development environment that allows the board to be initialized directly from a Windows XP PC.
COBRA5329 Module Features
COBRA5329 Module ColdFire MCF5329 processor, 240 MHz clock, 211 MIPS performance
- 16 MByte Flash memory (optional up to 64 MByte)
- 16 MByte SDRAM (optional up to 32 MByte)
- SVGA LCD controller (up to 800 x 600)
- 10/100 MBit Ethernet interface
- Encryption hardware (AES, 3DES, RNG …)
- 2x SCI (UART)
- CAN 2.0B interface
- Queued Serial Peripheral interface (QSPI) with 7 chip selects
- I2C bus interface
- Real Time Clock with interrupt
- On-board temperature sensor
- 32-Bit processor bus
- USB Host and on-the-go (OTG) interfaces
- Selectable boot configuration
- Freescale dBug ROM monitor pre-installed
- uClinux software package and NanoX available
- Single 3.3 V supply voltage
- 2x2 120-pin high density connectors on top and bottom sides
- Dimensions: 48 mm x 68 mm, 4 mounting holes
COBRA5329 Carrier Board
COBRA5329 Kit Two board-to-board connectors for the COBRA5329 processor module
- 3.3 V and 5 V voltage regulators
- RJ45 twisted pair Ethernet connector
- Two RS232 interfaces with driver
- CAN driver and interface
- Multi Media Card interface
- USB Host and on-the-go (OTG) Connectors
- TFT display interface connector
- Touch screen controller with interface
- Standard Background Debug Mode (BDM) connector
- Four driven LEDs
- Reset and IRQ 7 pushbuttons
- Power ON/OFF switch
- Power Over Ethernet (POE) and external power supply options
- Dimensions: 120 mm x 150 mm
- Separate BDM interface available
COBRA5329 Software
- uClinux operating system with NanoX graphical user interface
- Board Support Package with coLinux-based development environment
COBRA5329 Optional Updates
- Flash memory upgrade: 32 MByte instead of 16 MByte
- Flash memory upgrade: 64 MByte instead of 16 MByte